近日坊間流傳 先生有一篇關於認證的電郵,以大煉鋼作比喻。未知 先生能否賜教,轉寄予老夫,以擴眼界,以開茅塞。
仰慕 先生不阿諛不諂媚,不平則鳴,敢言力爭,據理力辯。環顧同儕濟濟多士,唯唯諾諾者彼彼皆是,有真知灼見者少,傲骨嶙峋風骨卓立者就更如鳯毛麟角。
以人為鑑,可知得失;以史為鑑,可知興替。醫護的失德,體制的衰落,事出有因,有軌可尋。 先生中流砥柱,雖不能挽狂瀾於既倒,卻已是仰不愧天,俯不愧人矣。
珠玉在前,老夫不禁汗顏。惟望 先生不吝賜教,老夫叩首拜謝。
Attached is the powerpoint that is e-mail to me by my friend.
The above statement is written by our chairman Moa. It is a very valuable history that has happened 50 years ago in 1957, the year that I was born.
It is concerned with a key performance index that was set by our beloved leader. During that good old day, the strength of a country is measured by the steel output per year.
Therefore a key performance index of key output was put forward by our great leader hopping to surpass U.K. and the U.S.A. in the production of steel.
The one who tries to implement his great vision does not know that cast iron melts at around 1370°C (2500 °F), although it is a knowledge since ancient time and is neatly mentioned in our textbook in the sixth form. Instead of the traditional way, someone has “invented” a ingenious method that can perform the task and result in such a “great efficiency” that the key performance index is reached with minimal resource. The temperature reached by the new method is only a few hundred °C.
The vision of Moa has been achieved today, China has become the nation with the greatest output of steel.
The global steel industry has been going through major changes since 1970. China has emerged as a major producer and consumer. Steel production and consumption grew steadily in China and the closing years of the century saw it racing ahead of the rest of the world. China produced 220.1 million tonnes in 2003, 272.2 million tonnes in 2004 and 349.36 million tonnes in 2005. That is much above the production in 2005 of Japan at 112.47 million tonnes, the USA at 93.90 million tonnes and Russia at 66.15 million tonnes.
Production of crude steel for the 66 countries reporting to the World Steel Association in April was estimated to be 121.7 million tonnes, an increase of 36% over April 2009. China's steel production increased by 27% in April, bringing the four months total up 25% to 213.9 million tonnes. Chinese exports of steel in March reached their second highest monthly total since October 2008 at 3.26 million tonnes. There were particularly large rises in exports of hot rolled wide strip to 769 thousand tonnes, and also hot rolled bars at 229 thousand tonnes. China's largest market in March was South Korea which accounted for 28% of total Chinese exports. India was the second largest at 10%.