
2009年8月16日 星期日

破謬 # 思維

看了 [破謬 # 思維] 一書, 對其中引用的名言警句, 更有興趣, 茲權充文抄公, 節錄如下:


Give power to the powerless, give voice to the voiceless

Match word to idea, link ideas to form statement

There are things that might be true but we can’t afford to believe them

Think and argue in terms of ideas and logic

Great minds talk about ideas; average minds talk about events; small minds talk about people

When the facts change, I change

Become who you are

Management of expectation

Dullness in matters of government is a good sign

The outsiders see most of the game

Cover up is worse than the crime

Don’t stumble over the same stone twice

Leadership is action, not position

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance

拿不定主意, 是對生命的複雜性的一種尊重; 猶疑不決, 是對人生的瞬息萬變的一種理性反應
