
2023年1月27日 星期五

倫敦遊 – 專人導遊 24/1/2023


加文是有牌的倫敦藍章導遊(London Nlue Badge Guide)。原來要成為倫敦藍章導遊前,必須接受十八個月的訓練及學習,再經學會鑑定認證,才能註冊。這次遊覽重點在西敏寺(Westminster Abbey)和倫敦塔(Tower of London.),此外還會遊覽倫敦全景(panoramic tour),包括白金漢宮(Buckingham Palace,)、大笨鐘(大笨鐘)、國會大廈(The Houses of Parliament)、聖保祿大教堂(St Paul's Cathedral)和倫敦塔橋(Tower Bridge)。午間則到博羅市場(Borough Market參觀並用膳。 


加文更糾正了一般人的錯誤,如不是大笨鐘而是伊利莎伯女皇塔(Queen Elizabeth Tower)),不是倫敦大橋(London Bridge)而是塔橋 (Tower Bridge)。景點資料網上多的是,不提了。 

下車地點本為酒店,臨時改為名店臨立的攝政街 (Regent Street) 

分手前加文再三要求老夫在Tripadvisor 寫出對他的意見和旅程的感受。囡囡竟推波助瀾要老夫美言。吹噓對老夫來說,閒事一宗,當晚便提筆立就,中英並重,上傳Tripadvisor 待批。 



Having Gavin guided my daughter and me for a day was one of my brightest decisions.  Besides funny and friendly, Gavin is a man of professional, knowledgeable and helpful.  My tour, started at 9am covering much of London, including detail visit to Westminster Abbey and Tower of London, completed at 4pm, is marvelous. 

Gavin knows the best locations for photo taking, he knows the focuses of all the scenes, he knows the history as well as the hidden stories of London and the Royal. Such informative and attractive stories drew all the attention of my 16-year-old daughter. 

The fish and crisp he introduced in Borough Market was terrific. The crisp whole fish was tasteful that made my mouth water. Such a good dish should prevail in the world. Not to mention the donuts and the cheeses.   

English is not my mother language and I have a poor listening capability. However, Gavin’s patience and his very clear pronunciation of English enabled me 99.9% understand him and his stories.  That helped much! 

In conclusion, it is an impeccable tour guided by Gavin.  My daughter asked me to thank Gavin for making her understand more of the Royal and London.  If I, a 70-old-man, still have chance to visit London again, I would book Gavin definitely. 

邀請嘉民(Gavin)作為我和我女兒的導遊是最明智決定之一。 除了有趣和友善,嘉民也很專業、他知識淵博且樂於助人。這從早上九時至下午四時的一天遊除了仔細遊覽西敏寺和倫敦塔外還覆蓋了倫敦大部分景點,非常受用! 

嘉民知道最佳拍照地點,他知道各景點獨特之處,他更知道倫敦和皇家的歷史以及不為人知的故事。 他把這些內容豐富、引人入勝的故事娓娓道來,吸引住我十六歲的女兒,她無時無刻都全程投入聚精會神地去聆聽。 

嘉民在博羅巿場 (Borough Market) 推介的魚和薯條非常突出讓我口水直流。這是新鮮酥脆且味道鮮美的一整條魚。這麼好的菜色早就應該風行於世。 



總而言之,這是一次無可挑剔的旅程。 我女兒千叮萬囑要我代她向嘉民致謝,嘉民讓她更了解皇家和倫敦。我已是個七十歲的老人,如果還有機會再到倫敦,我一定還會預約嘉民作為我的導遊。
